The Café

Located in the heart of the Castro, The Café represents the best of the Castro gay bar and club scene, demonstrating the next generation of San Francisco entertainment. The Café finished a multi-million dollar remodel in July 2009, creating an atmosphere that can only be described as "The Café Experience."

The New Café features three bars, a massive dance floor and state-of-the-art sound system and a high-tech lighting system. Experience the massive LED panel hovering over the dance floor, outdoor LED "splashers" on the façade of the building, and internal mood lighting.

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The Café information

opening hours

opening hours

  • thu
    21:00 - 02:00
  • fri
    19:30 - 02:00
  • sat
    21:00 - 02:00
Opening hours are for guidance only.


The Café
2369 Market St
San Francisco map
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Updated: 22 Aug 2022

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