Fire Island

Fire Island is a thin 32 mile long sandbar south of Long Island (separating the Great South Bay from the Atlantic Ocean) and only one hour or 50 miles east of New York City with pristine ocean shores. In summers it is very popular with gay men from NYC. The gay beach is called "The Pines" and the lesbian gay beach that is next to it is called "Cherry Grove". Between them is a small pine forest area called "The Meat Rack" that you can have some fun anytime day or night. It's  open in summer only.

Travel directions are complicated and difficult to find. Need to take the train to Summerville not he Long Island Railway (get on in the first train car to be the first to get to the shuttle) and take a shuttle ferry to the Pines . The travel time from Penn station to the Pines is about 2 to 2½ hours long.

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Updated: 19 Nov 2021
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