Where to stay

When Visiting LA the best area to stay for gay visitors is West Hollywood (map). Here you will find most of the gay bars and clubs.
Check our hotel page for recommendations and a map with all hotels near the gay venues.
If you're planning to stay in Los Angeles, make sure you stay at West Hollywood. This is the main gay area of this huge city. At Santa Monica Boulevard and neighboorhoods you'll find all the gay bars and clubs. It's the heart of gay life in LA.
Most gay places in LA are located in West Hollywood. The state laws prohibit the serving of alcohol after 2 at night. So most places close down by then. Only some remain open but only serving soft drinks (you are even not allowed to save some beers for later ...)
When Visiting LA the best area to stay for gay visitors is West Hollywood (map). Here you will find most of the gay bars and clubs.
Check our hotel page for recommendations and a map with all hotels near the gay venues.