Where to stay in Hong Kong
Hong Kong is build on several islands. If you want to stay near the gay bars and clubs check out this area on the map.
Hotel map of Hong Kong
Check our online hotel map of Hong Kong to see available hotels and their prices on the map.
Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong
Conrad Hong Kong is directly connected to Pacific Place, a prestigious shopping and entertainment complex. Apart from stylish rooms, it houses award-winning food and beverage options, an outdoor heated swimming pool and a 24-hour fitness centre.
Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong
TC: 宏基國際賓館於2025年慶祝成立30週年 SC: 宏基国际宾馆于2025年庆祝成立30周年 EN: Bishop Lei International House celebrates 30th Anniversary in 2025 Boasting spectacular views of the city’s skyline, Bishop Lei International House features an outdoor swimming pool and a fitness centre.
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www.booking.com/city/hk/hong-kong.html?aid=303905- Taipei, Taiwan, 810km